Cosmic Camporee October 21-23

It’s that time of year again, COSMIC CAMPOREE time.  Beginning just a little over a week away on October 21, the Cosmic Camporee has been a club favorite for decades.  Yes, this is the same date at the monthly in-person meeting, but we are live streaming the meeting to GHRO so you can camp out and not miss a great meeting.  

If camping is not in the stars for you, then come on down on Saturday October 22 for relaxation and good company in the fresh air at GHRO.  There will be badminton, cornhole toss and bottle rocket launching.  With 40 Acre Rock just 2 air miles away, a self directed walk to the top of the rock is planned for around 2 PM.

Cooking will begin in earnest about 5 PM with dinner planned to begin between 5:30 and 6:00 PM.  Don’t forget to bring a covered side dish, chips or a dessert.  Burgers and dogs are provided by CAAC.

Sunset is at 6:39 PM on Saturday with a 14% waning crescent moon rising at 4:30 AM Sunday morning.  Speaking of Sunday morning, pancakes will be available for those who are interested.

If you want to reserve an RV site, please let me know.  There are still 4 available.

Please send me an e-mail and let me know how many from your family will be attending so we can plan for food accordingly.  I look forward to seeing everyone next weekend.

Upcoming Charlotte Amateur Astronomers Club Event:

Event Name:
Cosmic Camporee

Fri 10/21/2022 – Sun 10/23/2022

4 PM – 10 AM

GHRO, Taxahaw, SC

More details

Jim Gaiser
Charlotte Amateur Astronomers Club

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